• Movement Matters

    Kids who move are
    better learners

  • Free Range Play

    Daily free movement
    encourages brain growth

  • Lasting Impact

    Early bonding fosters
    emotional wellbeing

  • Resilience in Action

    Unstructured play promotes
    future adaptability

  • Nature Nurtures

    Encourage outdoor
    exploration everyday

PQ Initiative

Lasting Action

Explore the Lifelong Benefits of Early Movement

IQ EQ PQ relationship

Cognitive intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ) are widely known, however physical intelligence (PQ) is essential for success in both. During the first three years of life, physical movement shapes the brain's circuitry, paving the way for learning and emotional regulation. Nurturing a child's movement early on helps build a foundation for self-agency, emotional resilience, academic achievement, and healthy relationships.

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PQ Initiative

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